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Hello! Hello! I'm Lisa and I'm excited you're here!  I am here to help you become empowered to live your best life!  I'm here to provide you with the knowledge and tools needed to align you with your authentic self and life's mission.   

I know what it feels like to be unhappy and dissatisfied with the life you're living.  I know what it feels like to want to experience the most enjoyable work-life balance.  I know what it feels like to want to break free from an unsuccessful, unfulfilling lifestyle and not know how.

That's why I want to extend to you an invitation that will free you to live your life at your highest potential.  I'm inviting you to learn how to live the life you were created to live so your light will  shine bright before others.  You will learn how to:

✔Open your heart to receive the love and life you deserve

✔Be healed from beliefs that are keeping your life stagnant

✔Build the spiritual relationship needed to guide you towards your abundant life

✔Recognize the value and worth your presence was meant to bring to this earth. 

 ✔Become the Leader and Influencer you were originally created to be

Please accept my invitation to my learning and empowerment center called Purpose Seekers Academy where together we will go on your journey of a lifetime uncovering and awakening YOU and Your Greatest Potential.

Purpose Seekers Academy is an online center divinely designed to serve as a road map to set you on your own specific path to discovering your purpose.  It was created to heal the hearts of those longing for deeper meaning in their own life and relationships.  If there is a void in your heart that is causing a longing in your soul to live a more purposeful life and to do work that is more pleasing as well as profitable for you, your family, and those you will influence, Purpose Seekers Academy is the place for you.

Here at the academy, each course I teach is uniquely infused with my God-given gift of poetry for added insight and to help keep you inspired and encouraged along your journey to purpose.  And although the main resource of information I use is the Bible, I do not teach any type of religious beliefs or practices.  I teach spiritual truths.   

Spiritual truths are established life principles that will give you a much deeper understanding about why you are here and what you have already been equipped to accomplish while you are here.  They will enable you to live a much richer, fulfilling life.  These truths will serve as the catalyst that rejuvenates, and revitalizes your passion to live a prosperous and fulfilling life.  They will create an atmosphere that welcomes  divine influence to be the major driving force in your life, so you can get the results you need to live abundantly.  

Because I realize it is God who knows the true purpose for everyone's existence, together we will always be pursuing His heart, His desires, and His will for your life.



To help made your discovery process result oriented, I teach the 3 P's to purpose: Preparation, Pursuit, and Possession.

Finding purpose is not an overnight sensation.  It will take time to prepare, endurance to pursue, and patience with faith to take possession of what God wants to do in and with your life.  That's why I call finding purpose going on"the journey of a lifetime."

Making the decision to live according to purpose is the most essential one you will make in your entire life so you want to get the most out of your efforts by being prepared.  Although it is a faith-based journey, there are basic necessities you need to know before you get started.      

Going after the success that is already rightfully yours will not come quickly nor will the process always make sense. You will be intrigued and bewildered.  And when times get more challenging, you'll need support to help you remain persistent. 

Purpose radically and supernaturally changes your life.  Opening up to accept your new identity and what you have been purposed to accomplish will not be easy. It requires building confidence in yourself as well as God.  You will be amazed by what he reveals to you.  

The major advantage you'll have to help you be successful on your journey, is my experience.  I will be sharing parts of my journey to help keep you inspired along your journey.









A Living Testimony

I am living proof that God's plan for your life is designed to position you to prosper. It is ABOVE and BEYOND what you have ever imagined!  If you want to learn from someone who was once where you are, let's work together!  If you'd like, you can get started with my FREE gift to you.  It's my E-book entitled "Unlocking Your EXTRAORDINARY Self."  Inside, I share the 5 strategies that have helped prevent delays along my journey to purpose.





Say goodbye to fear and frustration.   I use to think fear was a natural part of my life, until I learned the truth.  Frustration and struggle were constant obstacles until I learned how to conquer and overcome them.  I'll teach you how to evict fear forever and put a permanent end to struggle and frustration.  The areas they once filled in your life will be replaced with fulfillment, peace, and joy.. 



Pack your bags.  The place you have settled in for years will no longer be sufficient.  You will need room to stretch and expand as you begin to grow, so regular and routine can not come with you.  Although it may not feel good going after them, new opportunities are waiting for you at your place of discomfort.  I'll show you the importance and effectiveness of leaving your comfort zone.



The time has come to get rid of limited thinking.  New truths will take you in a new direction.  New ideas will get you new results.  Renewing your mind is not an option, but a must.  Your thoughts are directing your life so it's time to get some new ones.  I'll help you break free from wrong beliefs and misconceptions that have kept you stuck, and hold fast to new ones that will propel you forward.    


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